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Monday, October 5

Darling Mr. Darcy: Why is the Unattainable so Irresistible?

Teresa Medeiros, bestselling romance author, recently published a post about Mr. Darcy on her blog, Squawk Radio.

"It’s not what we know about Darcy that intrigues us from his very first appearance on the page, but what we don’t know. Jane Austen could have made us privy to every one of Darcy’s thoughts and motivations long before they are revealed to Elizabeth. But she wisely realized that a hero stripped of his inscrutable nature is also a hero stripped of appeal."

Click here to read Theresa' article, and check out her recent (and fabulous) novels at this link.


Nigel said...

Do gentle readers get banned from this Blog if they quote from the Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Francis Gross?

Vic said...

Not Australians, who are given a special dispensation.

Unknown said...

How true! Teresa Medeiros has spoken what was in my thoughts. That is the sole reason I am so much attracted to Mr. Darcy.
No doubt that "a brooding Englishman with an inscrutable gaze and good teeth will always remain just at our fingertips"

Brianna Anderson (Bree) said...

I still prefer Mr. Knightly ;-)

Nigel said...

But as Brianna's preference confirms a man must always be Knightly in his behaviour.

ChaChaneen said...

How do you find the items to share with us? You must have a long list of blogs that you read? And sometimes the comments are better than the post content. ha ha ha ha I'm sorry, I was laughing at the comments.

Nonna said...

Leave it to Nigel to come up with yet another way to blast Darcy...however, I must agree with him when it comes to Knightly !