Monday, January 28

Seen on the Blogosphere

Becoming Jane Fansite features a lovely 2008 Jane Austen calendar you can download month by month.

OMG, Davied Wiegand of actually liked this version of Mansfield Park. His only quibble? Billie Piper as Fannie, and here I quote:

With her hair arranged in what must be an early 19th century version of "bed head," it's not just that Piper doesn't really look as if she belongs in the movie, she doesn't convey the sense of secret wisdom that informs Fanny and other Austen heroines. She seems like a street urchin most of the time, to be honest.

High resolution photos of Miss Austen Regrets are now available. Click here to download them or click here to download them at the PBS Press room.

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