Sunday, January 27

What Do You Think of Mansfield Park?

Did you like the movie or not? These Mansfield Park reviews were written by bloggers associated with PBS Remotely Connected. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment? Lori liked the film; Dianne thought it was fine, and neither Laurel Ann nor Ms. Place thought it all that good.

Here's an interesting and informative reaction to the film from KayDaycus: Write Place, Write Time. Click here to read it.


  1. Anonymous1/27/2008

    I enjoyed watching the movie. Except for the names of the characters and a few scenes, the plot hardly followed Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. In that regard I was disappointed.

  2. I found it highly disapponting. Not only was it sooo condensed, the actors were unattractive, for the most part, the acting slim, and the hair & costumes DREADUL! As the story that first got me hooked on Austen, I can say I'll stick with the "older" version of the film, too.

  3. Anonymous1/28/2008

    Thanks for the links. I noticed the Remotely Connected ones feature reveiwers who do not mind a "loose" adaptation. No conclusions just interesting. Although it did give me pause when one of them confessed she hates the character of Fanny. You know, maybe she isn't the best person to review the movie.

  4. Anonymous1/28/2008

    I didn't like it at all. It was like Jane Austen lite, and I expected more from Masterpiece Theater. Fanny doesn't have much personality to begin with, but the movie stripped her of what little she did have.

  5. Anonymous1/28/2008

    It's a mystery to me why people acknowledge Jane Austen's genious, and then totally alter her characters. Fanny was miscast and misdirected. They tried to remake her into Elizabeth Bennet, a robust, outspoken person and that is not who Fanny Price is. She is delicate, extremely shy,totally dominated by her aunt. That key relationship was almost ignored. She blooms- and that never really happened. People suddenly took notice of her for no apparent reason. The 90 minutes was far to short to develop the relationships in the family. They should have taken 15 minutes from the ending and put it on at the beginning. Although it was a good effort, Mansfield Park needs at least two, if not three episodes to do it any justice. Northanger Abbey is much more adaptable to the short format than Mansfield Park and to a lesser extent, Persuasion. It seemed like the budget must have been too small, since some key locations were eliminated as well- the ball in Fanny's honor and her banishment to Portsmouth.
