Monday, February 18

Mr. Collins

One of my favorite comic characters of all time is Mr. Collins of Pride and Prejudice. Who can forget his proposal to Lizzy? Or his obsequious ways with Lady Catherine de Bourgh? This week you can listen to a song sung by Mr. Collins and written by Rita Abrams and Josie Brown.

Click here to listen to Mr. Collins Marry Anthem, and hear such fun words as:

"There comes a time
when a man of piety
must pluck a winning plum
and let the rest fall free..."

Every week Rita and Josie feature a full song on their site, Pride and Prejudice the Musical. For those of you who haven't visited their website in a while, it has been completely revamped! Click here to read my interview with Josie and Rita, who in real life are much nicer and more talented than Mrs. Hurst or Miss Bingley. (I just couldn't resist adding this wonderful icon!)

Icons: Mr. Collins (top) from Sharon T, Mr. Collins (middle) from Ms. Place, Scary sisters from Pearls and Jewels.
Posted by Ms. Place

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/11/2008


    Dear Ms. Place,

    U R 2 funnee! In fact, Rita and I have always felt more akin to Lydia and Kitty Bennet!

    Hopefully we are still breaking hearts,

    Josie Brown
    Pride and Prejudice Musical
