Sunday, February 17

Seen on the Blogosphere: Pride & Prejudice

Did you notice the section in Pride and Prejudice Paradise that points out a few interesting glitches in the 1995 production? This second site is also dedicated to bloopers, and lists 12 continuity mistakes.

Click here for The Making of Pride and Prejudice at Colin Firth 24/7. You will find new images and a tiny but long film clip of the actors and Andrew Davies in interviews.

If you are wondering what Jennifer Ehle is up to these day, the folks at Jennifer Ehle Blogspot consistently update the information. Perfect People will also tell you more about Ms. Ehle (rhymes with wheelie).

Pride and Prejudice: "Why Elizabeth Bennet Never Got Fat" is a silly but informative article that gives you tips on how our Lizzy manages to stay so slim for those pretty empire style gowns.

Pride and Prejudice Pages at Tinpan, Live Journal, shows pencil sketches of the Pride and Prejudice adaptation coming from Tokyopop. This page, drawn by Tintin Patoja, shows the First Proposal, when Darcy is refused by Lizzy.

For your reading pleasure, click on The Literary Darwinist by D.T. Max of the New York Times Magazine. Ah, yes. According to this theory, Pride and Prejudice is a classic because it deals with all things reproductive. The article is filled with phrases like "The women in the book mostly compete to marry high-status men, consistent with the Darwinian idea that females try to find mates whose status will assure the success of their offspring." Fruit-fly for thought.

And finally, Pride and Prejudice Paradise provides Signs That You Have Watched Pride and Prejudice Too Many Times ...


  1. Thanks for the great sites. I liked the signs that you've watched P&P too many times.

  2. Anonymous2/18/2008

    The reasons why Elizabeth Bennet stays so slim made sense:

    "Elizabeth and her sisters would also walk for pleasure - and of course they all loved dancing - fantastic exercise without going to the gym."

    Hah! And I loved the remark about Mr. Darcy too.
