Wednesday, May 28

Harewood House and Grounds: Similar to Pemberley's?

If you've ever wondered about the relationship between a grand house like Pemberley and its grounds and stables, look no further than Harewood House, a Palladian country house , and the seat of the Lascelles family. This mansion, built in 1758 with money from the West Indies sugar trade, was probably built on the same grand scale as Mr. Darcy's humble abode, with stables for 60 horses, a substantial lake, rose garden, church, bird garden, and a few follies situated here and there. The landscape was designed by Lancelot Capability Brown, and the house by both Robert Adam and John Carr of York.

Harewood House's website is worth investigating, as it is quite informative, showing details of belowstairs, a plan of the rooms, and a close description of each room and the surrounding gardens. Unfortunately, the link to the Maid and Mistresses tour no longer works, but the links to belowstairs and the scullery and kitchens will lead you to support pages. Find teacher packs on this site as well, including PDF documents and images.
1) Church, 2) Terrace, 3) Modern playground, 4) Courtyard and stables, 5) The bird garden, 6) Lakeside walk, 7) Walled garden and rose garden.

C.E. Brock illustration, Mr. Darcy is introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner as they and Elizabeth stroll Pemberley's grounds - Posted by Vic, Ms. Place

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