Tuesday, May 27

Seen on the Blogosphere

Austenprose offers a comprehensive look at William Lyon Phelps, the academic who helped to popularize Jane Austen in academic circles during the early part of the 19th Century. Click here to read this fascinating information.

Professor Ellen Moody, a Jane Austen and 18th Century expert, wrote an informative review of Miss Austen Regrets. Her comments sit on Jane Austen's World. You can also read her latest post about Emma 1995 on her blog Ellen and Jim Have a Blog Too.

Last (and least), this rather odd post about watching Pride and Prejudice had me laughing. Its author has never read the novel, nor seen the 2005 movie all the way through (not if he drank an alcoholic drink every time he watched someone eat on film). Very strange, but here you have it.

Pride and Prejudice image: Himmapaan on Deviant Art
Posted by Vic, Ms. Place

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