Sunday, June 29

Contest: Win a Jane Austen Oxford World's Classic of Your Choice

Nigel has been enjoying the Jane Austen Season in Australia. In his blog he asked the following questions. (Click here to read his answers.)

If you would like to play along and answer the questions in the comment section, you will have the chance to win a new edition of a Jane Austen novel published by Oxford World's Classics. The winner of this contest will have an opportunity to choose their favorite Jane Austen novel. You have until midnight July 5th to answer the questions below. We will draw the winning name from a hat. My answers are in the comment section. (I changed one of Nigel's questions, since "shag" is not a term commonly used in the U.S.) Simply copy and paste the following in the comment section:

1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?

2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?

3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?

4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?

5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?

6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?

7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?

8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?

9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?

10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?


  1. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Lizzy Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mrs. Norris

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Captain Wentworth

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Hostess of Almack's

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? Sailor

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Henry Crawford

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Bath

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Writing

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? "Stupid men are the only ones worth knowing after all."

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    Too few novels

  2. Anonymous6/29/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Darcy :)

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mr Woodhouse

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Willoughby

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? just would want to be well off, somehow.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? arguably all of the above, but first and foremost, they are always gentlemen. :)

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Lady Catherine! :)

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Bath

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? the balls

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? the most obvious one - It is a truth universally acknowledged. . . :)

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? The one thing that certain movies helped me see more than the books did is how in S&S and MP is how did Edmund/Fanny and Marianne/Brandon fall in love with each other, how they got to the point they decided to get married. :)


  3. Anonymous6/29/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?

    - It has to be Elizabeth Bennet. She is my favourite literary heroine.

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?

    - Mrs Elton.

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?

    - I have always had a crush on John Willoughby!

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?

    - A beautiful young girl attending balls and getting courted by handsome gentlemen.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?

    - To me they are gentlemen, preferably rich gentlemen.

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?

    - It will have to be Willoughby again!

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?

    - Derbyshire: Pemberley.

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?

    - Reading novels, walking, playing the piano, singing and (if I could) attend balls.

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?

    - From Emma:
    'I lay it down as a general rule, Harriet, that if a woman doubts as to whether she should accept a man or not, she certainly ought to refuse him. If she can hesitate as to "Yes," she ought to say "No" directly.'
    (So true!)

    - From Jane Austen herself:
    'Books are divided into two classes, the books of the hour and the books of all time'.

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?

    It's really hard to find anything to critique when it comes to Jane Austen...If I had to pick something it would have to be that Northanger Abbey is too short and it gets wrapped up too quickly.

  4. Anonymous6/29/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Elizabeth Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Aunt Norris

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Mr. Darcy

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Lizzie

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? Gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Mr. Elton

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Pemberley

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Needlework

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?
    I am all astonishment!

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    They all end with weddings and no further glimpse of how the happily ever after worked out!

  5. Anonymous6/29/2008

    1. Who is your favourite Jane Austen character?
    - Elizabeth Bennet - she's super cool ;)
    2. Who is your least favourite character?
    -Definitely Mrs. Norris
    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?
    -It's a tie between Mr. Darcy and Mr. Tilney
    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?
    - An anonymous writer, like Jane Austen - except with money/being very well off.
    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?
    - A gentleman
    6. Who is your favourite Jane Austen villain?
    - Willoughby
    7. What is your favourite Jane Austen location?
    8. What is your favourite Jane Austen pastime?
    -writing, walking, going to balls, shopping and reading
    9. What is your favourite Jane Austen quote?
    - Shelves in the closet! - Mr. Collins
    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    -She didn't write as many books as we'd all have hoped...*sigh*

  6. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Elinor Dashwood, though Lizzy is a close second.

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mrs. Elton, but that really is the point, isn't it?

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Mr. Knightley, and Mr. Darcy--neck and neck there.

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Lizzy's friend.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? A gentleman, no matter what else he may be.

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Mr. Wickham.

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Barton Cottage

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Walking.

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? I love the quote from Emma--the movie, from Mr. Knightley, "Men of sense, whatever you may say, do not want silly wives."

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? Just wish there was more to read.

  7. Anonymous6/29/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Col Brandon

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?Mrs. Elton

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?Henry Tilney

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? an upperclass girl

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?gentlemen

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Henry Crawford

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Pemberly

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?reading

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?The more I get to know about people the less I like them(I know this isn't exactly correct I was going from memory)

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? There are not enough of them

  8. This is so cool and a prize too!
    But how will you decide a winner? because all the answers a very good.

    Perhaps I would have to change my answer for Number 10 to, Too few Austen novels, as well.

    No one has answered dancing for their favourate Austen activity yet? Must be their second favourate.

  9. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?
    Mr. Bennett (He has the greatest lines)

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?
    Any of the Bertrams.

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?
    Henry Tilney

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?

    The daughter of a rich merchant.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?
    Gentleman for sure! Uniforms don't do a whole lot for me.

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?
    John Thorpe (He doesn't have a clue)

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?
    Taking long country walks

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?

    Mr. Bennett's telling Lizzy.....

    "Your mother will never speak to you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins. and I will never speak to you again if you do" (sorry I don't have the book in front of me) I laughed and laughed the first time I read that one.

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    I wish she would have finished more of her books. I would love to see where some of the fragments of stories would have gone with her at the pen.

  10. Please don't enter me in the contest (because I was lucky enough to have won last time!), but I couldn't RESIST this. Fun!

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?
    - Mr. Darcy

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?
    - Three way tie between Mrs. Elton, Mrs. Norris & Sir Walter Elliot

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?
    - Henry Tilney (YUM!)

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?
    - Someone with good health & money who lived in the country.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?
    - Gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?
    - Henry Crawford

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?
    - Pemberley!

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?
    - Novel reading

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?
    - Northanger Abbey: “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    - I like Lois's answer. I'd love to see Marianne fall in love with Col. Brandon.

  11. Anonymous6/29/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Henry Tilney

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Everyone in Emma (except Knightly)

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Captain Wentworth

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? a widow of means

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? a gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? John Thorpe

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Derbyshire

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? playing piano

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? "I'm half agony, half hope"

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    Emma, I just can't like it. :-(

  12. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Fitzwilliam Darcy.

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mary Crawford.

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Henry Crawford.

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Napoleon.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? Gentleman.

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Henry Crawford.

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Pemberley.

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Reading.

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied
    with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency
    of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of either merit or sense.

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    She wrote too few, and some end too fast, like Mansfield Park.

  13. Anonymous6/30/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?
    Lizzy Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? John Thorpe

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Captain Wentworth

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Lizzy I suppose as I would love to be married to Mr. Darcy!

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Willoughby

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Bath

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? reading

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? Pictures of perfection make me sick and wicked...(hope I got that right!)

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? Not enough!!!

  14. Anonymous6/30/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Lizzy Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Elton

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Mr.Darcy (with Sapt. Wentworth a very close second)

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? A young, beautiful gentleman's daughter

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Henry Crawford

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Pemberley

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? walking

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? I prefer to be unsicial and taciturn"

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    She didn't write enough novels

  15. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Anne Elliot

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Fanny Dashwood

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Captain Wentworth

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Elinor Dashwood

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?
    Always a gentleman
    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?
    Lady Catherine DeBourgh
    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?
    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?
    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?
    Life seems but a quick sucession of busy nothings.

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?

    Not enough novels.

  16. Anonymous6/30/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?

    Lizzy Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?

    Lucy Steele

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?

    Frederick Wentworth

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?

    Someone healthy and comfortably well-off, married to the same husband I am now, with all living children.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?

    My hero is a soldier. ;) No, seriously, I don't think a man qualifies as an Austen hero unless he has the character of a gentleman.

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?

    Henry Crawford

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?

    Derbyshire, for the landscape.

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?


    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?

    “Yes, I know exactly what you will say: Friday, went to the Lower Rooms; wore my sprigged muslin robe with blue trimmings — plain black shoes — appeared to much advantage; but was strangely harassed by a queer, half–witted man, who would make me dance with him, and distressed me by his nonsense.”

    Really, I love just about everything Henry Tilney says. :)

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?

    There's not enough of it.

  17. Anonymous7/01/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?
    Elizabeth Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?
    Lucy Steele

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?
    Captain Wentworth

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?
    A rich socialite of aristocratic birth

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?
    "You pierce my soul." -Persuasion-

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    Her last completed novel, Persuasion was not long enough and wrapped up to quickly

  18. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?
    Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?
    Kitty Bennet

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?
    Captain Frederick Wentworth

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?
    A struggling novelist

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?
    Lady Catherine de Bourgh

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?
    Pemberley or Northanger Abbey or Barton Cottage

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?
    There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved.

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    Not enough dancing!!

  19. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?
    Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?
    Fanny Price

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?
    Female? Mary Crawford
    Male? George Wickham

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?
    the wife of a well-off country gentleman who bred dogs and horses, attended horse races, and foxhunted himself (with me)

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?
    gentleman because the Austen heroes who were soldiers and sailors became gentlmen

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?
    Henry Crawford
    villianess: Lady Catherine de Bourgh

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?
    riding or needlework

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?

    "I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun." (Mr.Darcy, Chapter 60)

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?

    Goodness, I don't think I could sum it up in a sentence or two. Like many readers, I would like to know more about her creation of Fanny Price. All of her heroines but Fanny have more gumption. Fanny is always slinking into the back shadows. There is not much text devoted to her development of character. Why is this?

  20. Anonymous7/02/2008

    1. Who is your favourite Jane Austen character?
    Probably Marianne Dashwood, but I do love some of the minor characters like Mrs Jennings, Mr Palmer, and Mr Collins. They all make me laugh and so ridiculous!

    2. Who is your least favourite Jane Austen character?
    Tie Between Edmund Bertram and Emma Woodhouse

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?
    Henry Tilney

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?
    Jane Austen, obviously!

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?

    6. Who is your favourite Jane Austen villain?
    Lady Catherine De Bourgh and Mrs Elton

    7. What is your favourite Jane Austen location?
    Pemberley or Bath

    8. What is your favourite Jane Austen pastime?
    Reading and Dancing

    9. What is your favourite Jane Austen quote?
    “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid”. Henry Tilney

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    That her books are easy to become addicted to and once I pick up one of them I can’t put it down! Then I have no chance of getting anything done the whole day!

  21. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Emma

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mr. Knightley

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Henry Tilney. Wardrobe adviser by day, hot lover by night.

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Any rich male with good teeth.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? Always a gentleman whatever his profession

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Mrs. Norris (altho Austen was always conscious of moral ambiguity)

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? The marital bedchambers into which we are never invited.

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Drinking tea

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery (Mansfield Park)

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? Far too much explicit sex.

  22. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Elizabeth Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mr. Wickham

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? ahhhh, tilney or darcy...can't decide!

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? one of Jane Austen's fictional characters!

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? A gentleman. :)

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Willoughby

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Lyme, and pemberly

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? dancing!

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid"

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? The ending of sense and sensibilty...i just don't feel the whole marianne and brandon thing. sometims there isn't enough feeling i guess. but otherwise, i can't complain!

  23. Anonymous7/02/2008

    1. Hmm... Either Miss Emma Woodhouse or Miss Marianne Dashwood

    2. Miss Lucy Steele

    3. Mr. Edward Ferrars

    4. A rich young lady living with her family in the country

    5. Gentleman

    6. Lady Catherine

    7. The Bennet family's home... I forget what it's called

    8. Letter-writing, reading, and taking walks

    9. From "Emma", on Mr. Weston (because I too am an optimist :D):
    "...A sanguine temper, though for ever expecting more good than occurs, does not always pay for its hopes by any proportionate depression. It soon flies over the present failure, and begins to hope again."

    10. I agree with what someone already mentioned: They all end with weddings, and they don't show any of the rest of the happy couples' lives together.

  24. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Mr. Darcy

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Mrs. Elton

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Mr. Darcy

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? a very happy and fun loving girl.

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? A gentlemen

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Lady Catherine de Bourg

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? countrysides

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? dancing and having fun

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? Do you deny it, Mr.Darcy? That you seperated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to the censure world of caprice and *my sister* to derision and dissapointed hopes, involving them both in acute misery of the worst kind and...

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?
    Would like to know more.

  25. Anonymous7/04/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Elinor Dashwood

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Lucy Steele

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Colonel Brandon

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Marianne Dashwood

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Willoughby

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Barton Cottage

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Walking

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? From Sense and Sensibility when Elinor finds out that Edward is not married...."Perhaps you do not know--you may not have heard that my brother is lately married to--to the youngest--to Miss Lucy Steele."

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? It would be nice for the stories to continue and show what happens after the weddings and declarations of love. I would love to know if they actually do live happily ever after.

    Helena from Oregon

  26. 1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Elizabeth Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Lucy Steele

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Mr. Darcy

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Emma

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? Gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? Henry Crawford

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Devonshire

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Reading

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? "It is a truth universally..."

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? That there aren't enough books!

  27. Anonymous7/05/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character? Elizabeth Bennet

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character? Edmund Bertram

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character? Mr. Darcy, always!

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be? Elizabeth Bennet

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman? a gentleman

    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain? my dear Mr. Collins

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location? Pemberley

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime? Writing

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote? "All the privilege I claim for my own sex (it is not a very enviable one: you need not covet it), is that of loving longest, when existence or when hope is gone!"

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work? She has not finished Sanditon and The Watsons, sad...

  28. Anonymous7/05/2008

    1. Who is your favorite Jane Austen character?

    - Catherine Morland

    2. Who is your least favorite Jane Austen character?

    - Jane Fairfax

    3. Who is the sexiest Jane Austen character?

    - Henry Tilney

    4. If you lived in 1806 who would you most like to be?

    - a gentleman's daughter

    5. An Austen hero is: a soldier, sailor or gentleman?


    6. Who is your favorite Jane Austen villain?

    - Lady Catherine de Bourgh

    7. What is your favorite Jane Austen location?

    - Derbyshire, Bath

    8. What is your favorite Jane Austen pastime?

    - horseback riding, balls, drawing and long country walks

    9. What is your favorite Jane Austen quote?

    - Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.

    10. What would be one major critique of Jane Austen's work?

    - I can't help thinking of how would have Sanditon and The Watsons ended up if She had finished them.

  29. Contest is over! Thank you for playing. Please look for the winning name on Sunday, July 6th.
