Tuesday, July 1

Ah, Mrs. Darcy!

Know why Livia Giuggioli is wearing a Happy Face?

'Cause she married her own Mr.Darcy.

Image: Go Fug Yourself


  1. Anonymous7/01/2008

    Mr. Darcy? Oh, God! My heart sinks full of envy!
    Behave yourself, Raquel...


    Ms. Place and Miss(Ms.?)Laurel Ann

    My name is Raquel, I am from Brasil and I love Jane. And finally I have the courage to write a blog about Jane Austen in Portuguese. My inspirations were Mags from AustenBlog and you both from Jane Austen Today. As I have said to Mags, here in Brazil we have few news about Jane, just films, and sometimes I will consult and mention your blog, with due credit, of course!

    a hug, Raquel

  2. Are you sure the dress isn't a little austentatious?
