Tuesday, August 12

Seen on the Blogosphere

Tonight's the night for our chat with author Laurie Viera Rigler! (See details in the sidebar). Please return to this blog for chatroom instructions. We will place them here before the chat begins at 7 pm Pacific time and 10 pm EST. If you live in another part of the world and wonder if you can participate, here's a handy time zone converter. For example, if it's 10 pm EST in the U.S., then it's twelve noon the following day in Sydney, Australia. How cool is that?

We will start the chat by announcing the first book winner. There is still time to leave a question for Laurie in this post on, which will qualify you for a chance to win one of the books Laurie will be giving away.

Speaking of cool, Jane Austen and her era seem to pop up everywhere I look!
  • Jane Austen's My Space page contains a list of her friends and interests
Please note: Because of our chat with Laurie Viera Rigler tonight our Mrs. Elton Sez letter, which is normally scheduled for Tuesday, will be placed on our blog tomorrow.

Posted by Vic, Jane Austen's World

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/06/2008

    That tidbit about how P&P got it's name is really cool! A good piece of trivia to have on hand. I've only read Burney's Evelina (in a class on Austen's influences). I may have to read Cecilia now. Thanks for sharing!
