Sunday, August 10

Jane Austen Character Throwdown, #2: Longest-Suffering Heroine

Our first Jane Austen Character Throwdown was full of surprises. At first the voters rallied behind Miss Fanny Price who shot ahead of Miss Anne Elliot as the longest-suffering heroine. I thought to myself - 'This is going to be a blood bath'. Then Anne pulled ahead of Fanny, and Fanny pulled ahead of Anne.

Two days after the throwdown began, Miss Anne pulled permanently ahead of Miss Fanny and trounced her resoundingly, gaining over 60% of the vote. A Jane Austen fan and I had a conversation about the contest on Friday. She voted for Miss Anne and gave me sound reasons why she did. I must admit I voted for Miss Fanny.

Ah, well. The throwdown for longest-suffering heroine is not over. Miss Fanny might be down for the count, but we now offer for your consideration the latest contender against Miss Anne Elliot.

Longest-Suffering Heroine

Miss Elinor Dashwood
With an overly emotional sister and an impractical mother, who can deny Elinor’s long-suffering status? Granted she grew up in a loving family, but her earlier happy life is in stark contrast to her present circumstances in which she holds her grief and emotions in check over the loss of her father and former comfortable life. Devious Lucy Steele forces Elinor to remain quiet about her secret engagement to Edward, the man Elinor loves. And even while Elinor’s heart is breaking, she must support her grieving sister and bear Mrs. Jennings' unintentional cruel guesses about Mr. F. She is a stoic, practical, loving, and loyal woman, who keeps her emotions in check.

Miss Anne Elliot
Advised to reject the proposal of the man she loves, she’s lost her bloom and regretted her decision for years. Unloved by her father and older sister, used frequently as a babysitter by her younger sister, Mary, Anne is forced to watch Captain Wentworth flirt with the Musgrove sisters. Her closest confidante, her dead mother's best friend, remains nonsupportive of Anne's enduring love for the dashing captain. She's a sweet, kind, sympathetic, and level-headed woman, whose loyalty and steadfastness are unquestioned. free polls
Jane Austen Character Throwdown: Longest Suffering Heroine
Miss Elinor Dashwood Miss Anne Elliot

Posted by Vic, Jane Austens world


  1. Has to be Anne, all that effort by Elinor just for a bloke who wants to be a clergyman? Oh Please!

  2. Anonymous8/11/2008

    I am so glad to see other dyed in the wool Austenites.

  3. Anonymous8/12/2008

    Agree with Nigel. Anne all the way.
