Friday, August 8

Tuesday Night Chat With Laurie Viera Rigler

We'll place the instructions to enter our chatroom on this blog an hour before the chat on August 12th! For more details, please visit our sidebar.

Laurie Viera Rigler, author of the Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, was featured in the most recent edition of JASNA News, the newsletter of the Jane Austen Society of North America. The article described her love for all things Jane Austen and her articles in her blog, Jane Austen Addict. I was thrilled to note that Laurie's article for this blog, "Ten Ways to Cope Without the Complete Jane Austen Series", was mentioned, and that links to our blogs, Jane Austen Today, Jane Austen's World, and Austenprose, were also provided.

Speaking of JASNA, the annual meeting, which will be held in Chicago in early October, is full. This is bad news for procrastinators who were waiting to register, but great news for the society and proof positive that Jane Austen is more popular than ever. Click here for more JASNA News (although the article about Laurie is not available online).

Needless to say we were delighted to be mentioned in such a public forum. Please join Laurie and me in our Tuesday night discussion, 7 pm Pacific time and 10 pm EST!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed the forum. Hope to have better on-line services soon so in the future I won't miss out!
