Wednesday, October 21

Emma 2009: Episode 3 Slideshow

Emma 2009 continues on BBC One in the UK with episode 3 which aired on Sunday, October 18th. This very different interpretation of Jane Austen's masterpiece has more than a few tongue's wagging. And shockingly, the ratings have plummeted! I feel for the BBC and its co-producers PBS, as I never like to see any Austen adaptation take a beating in the ratings, but it may be an indication that modern audiences do not like their Jane Austen adaptations tampered with. For all you non-UK viewers, you can check out a slideshow of episode 3 at Austenprose. The serial concludes next Sunday in the UK and I am hoping that the last installment will pull everything together and redeem all the blunders!

Cheers, Laurel Ann, Austenprose


  1. I don't understand why the ratings have dropped...from the few clips I've seen online Romola brings a fresh look on Emma. This version is obviously more detailed then the 1995 version and more current. What more could you possibly want?

  2. Do you know if PBS is thinking about airing this anytime within the near future.

    Patience is a virtue I've yet to conquer!


  3. Bella, the show will be aired in January

    Brianna, read the article in this link:

  4. Anonymous10/22/2009

    It is hard to tamper with a well known and well loved piece and have it turn out well. As they say, "It looses something in the translation."

  5. Hmm that's interesting. I wonder how many people are watching it online as apposed to tuning in on their television sets...

    Thanks for keeping up with the comments...I love this blog =)

  6. I'm really looking forward to January, when PBS will air this program. I sort of suspect that perhaps the ratings nosedive is more due to the fact that people are tired of the same stories being adapted over and over again, rather than something fresh & new(er) being brought to the table.
