This January PBS Masterpiece Classic will feature the new adaptation of Emma, the latest in a long line of recent Jane Austen novel adaptations to film. Which of her novels still leaves you wishing for another film adaptation? In other words: Which novel has been given short shrift in cinematic form?
I would like to see a proper Persuasion production as none of the existing satisfied me (I actually found the 1995 a horrible adaptation, and the 2007 was BORING- I only found the ending cute). Well, I would welcome any other "Mansfield Park" and "Northager Abbey" adaptations, as well.
I just want one decent & accurate Mansfield Park adaptation. I have a real love/hate relationship with that book but I'd still love to see a strong adaptation that doesn't resort to messing with the story & characters.
I almost ate my hat when watching the most recent one. What garbage!
Mansfield Park is in most need of salvation and a close second is Northhanger Abbey. I have never been totally satisfied with the books and some of the movie incarnations have been hideous !
I like how Mansfield Park is separated from the rest of the choices as if there were any question in the matter as to which was most in need.
I too think that I have not yet seen anything remotely satisfactory as far as Mansfield Park goes. The 1999 one was absolute sacrilege and the new one still doesn't get it quite right. I'd like to see someone make a production of this novel that actually appreciates rather than plays down Fanny Price's virtue and strong moral character.
I could kill for this shawl... (the first image)
I wish you Great Holidays!
kisses, raquel
Oh, wrong post, wrong blog, right person!
I would like to see a proper Persuasion production as none of the existing satisfied me (I actually found the 1995 a horrible adaptation, and the 2007 was BORING- I only found the ending cute). Well, I would welcome any other "Mansfield Park" and "Northager Abbey" adaptations, as well.
not being a big fan of the keira knightley edition of P&P, i'd love to see another 4-5 hour version made.
northanger abbey, mansfield park, and persuasion could all be improved as well.
A MP adaptation by people who actully like the book (& don't feel the need to 'save' it) would make my decade.
I just want one decent & accurate Mansfield Park adaptation. I have a real love/hate relationship with that book but I'd still love to see a strong adaptation that doesn't resort to messing with the story & characters.
I almost ate my hat when watching the most recent one. What garbage!
Mansfield Park is in most need of salvation and a close second is Northhanger Abbey. I have never been totally satisfied with the books and some of the movie incarnations have been hideous !
I would like to see a Northanger Abbey remake and for it to be a LONG version, as in several hours long. Not hacked up to fit 2 hours.
I lurved the 1995 Persuasion and P&P films!
I would love for a longer adaption of Northanger Abbey to be made. It seems to be the most neglected.
Austenesque Reviews
I like how Mansfield Park is separated from the rest of the choices as if there were any question in the matter as to which was most in need.
I too think that I have not yet seen anything remotely satisfactory as far as Mansfield Park goes. The 1999 one was absolute sacrilege and the new one still doesn't get it quite right. I'd like to see someone make a production of this novel that actually appreciates rather than plays down Fanny Price's virtue and strong moral character.
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