Friday, December 10

Friday Follow: Amanda Vickery's Georgians

Gentle Readers, Mary Ellen Foley from the excellent blog, ME Foley's Anglo-American Experience, forwarded this PDF document of a Radio Times article on Amanda Vickery's BBC2 specials on Georgian houses. Tonight BBC2 aired the second of three installments, A Woman's Touch, which unfortunately was available only in the British Isles.
Click on image to read the article
Read my review of Episode One: At Home With the Georgians, A Man's Place on Jane Austen's World.


  1. Hopefully one day it will be available for the audience abroad, too...le sigh...

  2. Thank you for the links!

    I am having my first giveaway on my blog - a gift card sponsored by CSN Stores. please do come over and enter

  3. This is a very well written article and makes it really tempting to see the series!
