Saturday, December 11

A Happy Jane Austen Birthday Event With Free Gifts! Coming December 16th

It wouldn't be fair to neglect someone as important and dear to us as Jane Austen on her birthday. She was born on 16th December 1775, it’ll be 235 years next week . We owe so many immensely pleasant moments to her that we decided she deserved a great B-day celebration. My Jane Austen Book Club and other bloggers and Austen dedicated writers are going to have a blog party in her honour. You are all invited to join us on our “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JANE!” event next Thursday December 16th. Who will be there? Where is the party going on?

My other blog, Jane Austen's World, will be joining in on the celebration! As well as these other fine authors and bloggers:

You’ll find Happy Birthday posts and tributes to Jane Austen on all these blogs on December 16th with the HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JANE logo created by Adriana Zardini (JASBRA) just for the occasion. Lovely, isn’t it? Visit all the blogs on December 16th and leave your comments + e-mail address to have lots of chances to win one of the wonderful gifts we are giving away:

The books include - 1 signed copy of…

  • Willoughby’s Return by Jane Odiwe
  • Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler
  • Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler
  • Murder at Mansfield Park by Lynn Shepherd
  • Intimations of Austen by Jane Greensmith
  • Darcy's Passions: Fitzwilliam Darcy's Story by Regina Jeffers
  • First Impressions. A Tale of Less Pride and Prejudice by Alexa Adams
  • Jane and the Damned by Janet Mullany
  • Bespelling Jane Austen by Janet Mullany
Other gifts:
  • Austen bag offered by Karen Wasylowski
  • DVD Pride & Prejudice 2005 offered by Regina Jeffers
  • Package of Bingley's Tea. (flavor "Marianne's Wild Abandon" ) offered by Cindy Jones
  • DVD Jane Austen in Manhattan offered by Maria Grazia
  • 3 issues of Jane Austen Regency World offered by Maria Grazia

Giveaways will end on December 23rd . Winners will be announced by Maria Grazia, organizer of this celebration, on My Jane Austen Book Club.


  1. Thank you for the advance notice!

  2. Thank you for joining, Vic. Let's have great fun next Thursday!

  3. It's a big JA weekend for me with TWO parties, one at my library and our quarterly JASNA meeting in Austin, TX. I have scones in the oven right now! I look forward to reading all the posts on the 16th.

  4. Oh how exciting! Looking forward to reading all the posts :)

  5. I'll be there! Thanks for letting me know!

  6. I'll be sure to participate!

    Thanks for the head's-up!

  7. Did you know she shared a birthday with Beethoven? I think that's pretty cool. :-) Two of the greats, born the same day (though in different years).

  8. would love to participate!
    thank you for this post & party!!
