Monday, January 10

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth 16 Years Later

Geoffrey Rush, Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth in The King's Speech
Have you ever wondered how Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth would look after fifteen years of marriage? Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle (Pride and Prejudice 1995) shared only a few moments together on screen in The King's Speech (she played Myrtle Logue, Geoffrey Rush's wife), but my heart rejoiced. My question was finally answered: How well would this couple fare in the looks department several decades on? Very well, as you can see.


  1. A bit disillusioning!

  2. Very well, indeed!

  3. That was an amusing observation! They still look good together, and better than Jennifer looks with Geoffrey Rush.

  4. The film was almost over before I made the connection!

  5. Anonymous1/10/2011

    That was so fascinating. I haven't seen the King's Speech so this was a wonderful eye opener.

  6. they could had Jennifer Ehle playing his wife, that would be a treat to all their fans. :)

  7. I loved that scene in The King's Speech!

  8. I think they made her look a bit older in TKS to compliment Geoffrey Rush.

  9. Anonymous1/11/2011

    she had been aged, clearly... 1) it looked fake, and 2) I don't believe she could have aged as poorly as CF anyway...

    Though I do think CF looked slightly aged in the movie as well - or maybe it was just playing a character who was so worn down with everything he had to handle - because a friend commented after seeing it on CF looking his age finally, but I saw pics from a film festival where CF was as hot as ever!

  10. Mr. Collins was there, too. He played the theater manager. Hasn't changed much!

  11. Marian, you are absolutely right! I was thrilled to see David Bamber again.

  12. Anonymous1/13/2011

    Jennifer was indeed aged up for the role, with wig and make-up. Have a look at the real her from a screening with Colin from lat night:

  13. A friend of mine and I actually talked about this as well. We wondered if society/media led us to find Firth handsome with age and yet shocked at Ehle's aging process. I'll admit that I was angry at myself for having that reaction, but then wondered if that's the way we're programmed? I've been thinking about it ever since! They both look wonderful, but we sure do give men the benefit in the aging department. What do you think?

  14. You know, Jennifer did look a bit aged in the film, but I thought she looked wonderful in those 1930's outfits with her face framed by soft curls and her features devoid of showy makeup.

    In contemporary photos she looks so good (like anonymous said), that it didn't occur to me to compare her more mature looks to Colin's. I was so thrilled to see them in the same scene that all I could think of was that Darcy and Lizzie were together again!

    Having said that, so many of the younger viewers today feel that compared to Keira Knightley, Jennifer was too old to play the part of 19- year-old Elizabeth Bennet. Jennifer was 26 when she acted the part opposite Colin (who was in his mid-30's when he portrayed Darcy). Frankly at the time I was so relieved to watch an actress closer to Lizzie's age play the character (as opposed to Greer Garson, who, in her mid-30's was positively ANCIENT), that I chose to overlook the fact that Jennifer was seven years older than the heroine she portrayed.

  15. I adored "The King's Speech," and I loved that those two had a scene together! And I agree with Vic that Jennifer looked very nice. She still has that sweet face she's always had.

  16. Good grief...haven't seen the movie yet but will...and hadn't realized who was in it besides Colin Firth (who just won the golden globe. Thanks for the post. No wonder all of a sudden I'm selling British Royal Commemoratives like mad!

  17. It's quite sad but I'm drooling more over the gorgeous Art Noveau stained glass window than I am over Colin Firth.
