Tuesday, September 6

An 18th Century Self Help Guide for Virgins, Widows, and Wives Up for Auction

Advice book for sale. Image via the Daily Mail.
On September 20th, The Lady’s Companion: or an Infallible Guide to the Fair Sex, published in 1740, will go on sale at Bloomsbury Auctions in London. "The volume would have originally cost around three shillings but is expected to fetch up to £2,000." Learn more about the book at this link from The Daily Mail.
Advice about chastity, 1740. Image from the virtual book.
If the price seems a little steep, one can read the book virtually at this site. The advice contained inside its pages is nothing short of medieval, and would be tolerated for 3 seconds by the modern woman (but perhaps accepted by a nun.)


  1. I notice it is written by "a lady,"as opposed to ,"a man." So I presume this is all based on personal experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT, both being a virgin with no sexual experience, and a widow who has had the experience of past pleasures, now keeping her desires under control, must have been a hard one to accomplish.
    I wonder if this volume needed any research?

