Persuasion 2007, Part One can be viewed here. You will find the other video segments in the sidebar.
In addition, you can also watch the 1995 version of Persuasion here.
Critique: The 2007 version of Persuasion is quite serious and somber. The scenery is lush and gorgeous, and I find the costumes more authentic in this production than in other cinematic depictions of Jane's work. Rupert Penry-Jones is the perfect Jane Austen hero and his handsome Captain Wentworth is quite to my liking. However, this production is not as full realized as the 1995 version of Persuasion, and I preferred Amanda Root as Anne Elliot over Sally Hawkins.
I thought Rupert Penry-Jones was lovely. Not so taken with the actress that played Anne Elliot though...
I do like the 1995 version of Persusion but I enjoyed this one as well. I would love it if I could get a DVD copy of it. Who knows if they will sell it to the public though.
Is it just me or did the video get taken off of youtube?
"ITV's Persuasion"
The first set of You Tube videos, you correctly assess are no longer working, but a new set is up. If you can bear with the Portuguese language subtitles, you can watch them here:
Any idea where else I can watch Persuasion 2007? I'm dying to watch it but the don't show it in my country.=( All I can find on youtube are the 1995 ones. Thanks in advance!
felsongz @ yahoo .com (remove the spaces)
I discovered it on You Tube just yesterday posted by this user: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=TSOM90
Enjoy it!
I am desperatly looking to find a romantic drama I belive I saw on the BBC. I rember that at one point that two men came to some girls house and asked two of them out for on a horse and cart, with one of the men shwoing interest in one of the weomen, but she did not reciprocate. Could anyone tell me what this is, I belive it is persuasion, sorry if this is a little vauge!
sounds more like sense and sensibility
does anyone know the what the theme music is called i can't find it anywhere??
I like both versions of "PERSUASION" equally. Unfortunately, both versions have their flaws, which included maintaining Austen's portrayal of William Elliot as a rake.
I have to say I do not like this version of Persuasion. First of all, could they not have picked a better actress to play Anne? She does not even look like an Anne. The only reason I would watch the movie again is to listen to the gorgeous music.
The 1995 version is much better. It not only explained the story better, but also had a good actress to play Anne.
for the music:
Beethoven-moonlight sonata
Can anybody please tell me where I can find the sheet music (free to download)for Persuasion 2007, i.e. the Main Piano Theme and the other piano tunes played throughout the film? I had bought the music book 'Jane Austen's World' only to find the Persuasion theme inside it was from the 1995 version, and although I can't fault the music, I was still very disappointed it was not the 2007 sheet music. I'd be most grateful therefore if anyone out there with access to the Persuasion (2007 Martin Phipps) sheet music, could please let me know how to access such beautiful music . . . every time I watch the 2007 Persuasion I dream that I'm the one playing the piano tunes in the background as Sally Hawkins' Anne runs all over Bath searching for Rupert Penry-Jones' Captain Wentworth! :) , I do hope someone reading this can help make me end my search once and for all!?
"Persuasion"'s soundtrack is composed by Martin Phipps, and is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn7G2u01d0M
Enjoy it!
"Anonymous said...
I am desperatly looking to find a romantic drama I belive I saw on the BBC. I rember that at one point that two men came to some girls house and asked two of them out for on a horse and cart, with one of the men shwoing interest in one of the weomen, but she did not reciprocate. Could anyone tell me what this is, I belive it is persuasion, sorry if this is a little vauge!"
if you're still wondering. That sounds more like Northanger Abbey than Sense and Sensibility...to me at least.
Anyone else notice that "Charles Hayter" was dubbed "Henry Hayter" in the 1995 version? I was really annoyed by that. It has no influence on the story or its quality, but why on earth would you change the name of one of the characters? Austen did not name him Henry, she named him Charles.
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