A noticeable feature in Regency fashion is the military inspiration in jackets and bodices, with elaborate cuffs, Hussar + Brandenburg pipings, closings and decorations, and also epaulettes and shoulder decorations echoing the male military uniforms. The Spencer jacket itself was originally a male garb, worn by Earl Spencer, and it was fashionable in continental Europe from ca. 1790 to 1820 (a bit later in rural districts). It was a practical and warm addition to the thin chemises and dresses, and became immensely popular.

Anea's new site is here.
Images from the Kyoto Costume Institute
Those are beautiful!
I don't particularly like spencer jacket, for it makes the woman looks... er... bulkier. But I love the red one, it's pretty.
Also, I read somewhere that the Spencer jacket was created when a guy (Lord Spencer?) burned the tail of his long jacket accidentally... thus he decided to cut that bloody tail away! LOL!
I suppose one's preference would depend on one's body type. When I was Lizzie Bennett's age, I had a small bosom and a large waist, so the combination of empire waist and Spencer jacket worked very well for my figure. Therefore, I have always admired the look.
I simply love the detailing in these jackets. These Kyoto Costume examples are stunning.
Oh, and thank you for that tiny detail about Lord Spencer. Splendid!
Where are the Kyoto gowns? I couldn't find them.
Click on the Regency Project or Anea's new site. With Anea's New site, you will need to click on costumes, then on regency, which will take you to the Regency Project.
When you are on the Regency Project page, scroll to the bottom. The first five photos are from the Kyoto Costume Institute. Good luck.
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