Jane Austen’s Sir Walter Elliot reminds us that bad daddies exist in all eras, places, and social strata. In fact, Sir Walter ... ... is so puffed up with self-importance and vanity that he clearly loves himself above others, even his daughters and departed wife.
... favors one child over another, and belittles that child in front of the favored child.
... demonstrates such poor fiscal skills and economic management that he is forced to rent out his house. ... takes greater stock in knowing the ‘right’ people, such as Lady Dalrymple. He also prefers physical appearance and material assets over deep friendship, loyalty, or a fine character or mind.
Anthony Head plays Sir Walter Elliot in Persuasion. Watch this Jane Austen novel adaptation onSunday, January 13th on Masterpiece Theatre, 9 p.m. EST and 8 p.m. Central time. Stay tuned to your PBS channels and see Bad Daddy in action.
Though many of you will remember Anthony as Rupert Giles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, how many of you can recall his turn in these popular serial coffee commercials?
Anthony Head is the only one who did his character justice. (sorry for the deletion, I typed while talking and my post came out horribly).
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