The GRAND PRIZE winner will receive a set of 10 books, or one copy each of Georgette Heyer’s:
- The Convenient Marriage
- The Corinthian
- Cousin Kate
- The Grand Sophy
- The Nonesuch
- The Talisman Ring
- My Lord John
- Behold, Here's Poison (Mystery)
- The Unfinished Clue (Mystery)
- Why Shoot a Butler? (Mystery)

If you live in the United States or Canada, all you need to do is to leave a comment on the following topics: For Georgette Heyer fans, we’d like to know which is your favorite GH novel and why. For those who have never read a Georgette Heyer book before, please let us know why you would like to start reading one.
This fabulous contest will be open until July 31st. Meanwhile, look for Laurel Ann’s review soon on Austenprose, and for posts related to The Grand Sophy throughout the month in Jane Austen’s World. Remember, only people who live in the U.S. or Canada will be eligible to participate in this giveaway.
The Masqueraders, hands down. I love the female-dressed-as-man-and-no-one-knows-it-but-the-hero trope, and the language in this book is flawless.
But I love them all. I make it a point to read one Heyer a month.
I've just started reading The Grand Sophy (so I don't need to win that one), but I would love to read more. I love the style and tone so far!
What a nice giveaway!
Eeek, do I dare admit I've never read a Georgette Heyer book? I feel very sheepish about the fact, but it is the truth.
Locally, I haven't much success finding them in bookstores and every time I bid on Ebay for a collection...well, I get outbid!
So excited for this opportunity to win a set!!
I have only read a couple of Heyer books (The Black Moth and Powder & Patch), but would love to read more. My great aunt recommended the author to me because she, my great grandmother, and my great great aunt all read Heyer's books. I love Jane Austen and the regency romances of Georgette Heyer and would enjoy reading more of her books.
I have never read a Heyer book but have heard a lot about them! I keep seeing them on all of the blogs I've been checking out and would really like to submerse myself into the world of Georgette Heyer.
I am a Heyer virgin and would like to read them as I've heard so much good and because I love Mary Stewart's novels of romantic suspense. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I have never read one either. I feel that I am missing out and that my life is somehow incomplete because of this! :) I am excited to read some of these. I love the Regency Period...I think that is what it is called!!!!!
I haven't read one yet...but they are on my "to read" list. I love regency romances, all things Austen and just reading in general...so a Georgette Heyer book should be perfect.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
i just recently read my first heyer novel, "behold, here's poison" and i really, really enjoyed it. it's a classic murder mystery in every sense of the word and i loved the descriptions of the clothing, the timelessness, but at the same time, how specific a period it evoked. i can only imagine what her other books are like and i would love to read more of them.
( when i asked my mother if she had ever read any of heyer's books, she told me that she read them all while she was pregnant with me...a...very long time ago. perhaps it's in my blood!)
My favorite book (so far, since I haven't read too many of them yet) is either Regency Buck or the Black Moth. I can't really choose. The thing is, I love all that I've read so far! If I had to choose one or the world would end, I would choose... the Black Moth, I think. Who could resist the combination of action and romance, disgraced honorable men and dastardly evil dukes?
(but Regency Buck is a close second/tie :p)
I have only read two Heyer novels, but I'd love to read more. I really enjoyed Cotillion. I spend a lot of time commuting on trains and there's really nothing better than a fun story of two characters you feel have to end up with each other. Plus I really love Heyer's language- her word choice is hysterical sometimes. Georgette Heyer + a nice cup of tea on a rainy afternoon = bliss!
Frederica-a lively older heroine with "baggage" (her siblings). Wonderful characters in this book. I used to own all the Heyer books-and sold them back in the 70s when I needed $$ for college. Boy do I regret that now!
I loved Bath Tangle. The book introduced me to Georgette Heyer and it remains my sentimental favorite.
I'd heard so much about Heyer's books, but was never able to find them in bookstores or in secondhand shops to give her work a try. Then lo and behold, someone must have requested my library buy some, because the new release of Sylvester was on the Recent Arrivals shelf! I grabbed it and devoured it. It was lovely! Style, tone, characterization, delicious humour and banter; I loved it all. It's the only one I've read so far, so I can't rightly classify it as my favourite, but it's been my only exposure to Heyer to date.
The Grand Sophy is the Heyer book that I've heard the most about, hands-down. I'm so glad it's being re-released. And I'd love to read more!
I've been told many, many times that I should read Heyer. I can't believe I haven't. This would be a great place to start, wouldn't it? I love Regency romances, historical fiction and happily-ever-afters. Please count me in!
I love Sylvester, or The Wicked Uncle. I'm a fiction writer myself--I've had two books published--so it's great fun to have a heroine who's a fiction writer herself--and gets into enormous trouble for it. Sylvester begins the novel with a preconceived arrogant idea of what his ideal wife would be like, only to have Phoebe creep under his guard, throw his preconceived notions to the winds--and then she absolutely floors him because she won't drop adoringly at his feet. And I like that the characters (especially Sylvester) learn something about themselves and end up improving themselves, within the relationship, as in Pride and Prejudice. A great, lively, sparring relationship.
I also really love Fredrica, especially for the priceless scene with the Baluchistan Hound.
I've read almost all of her novels, although there are still a few I've not been able to track down. I'm still trying!
I actually have never read a Georgette Heyer book. A lot of my friends have read them and highly reccommended them! This is a great opportunity to start!
leslie-lv at hotmail dot com
My mum grew up reading Georgette Heyer. I found that out last week when I began talking to her about this blog. As a teenager, I'd love to start reading Heyer's books, so I can connect a little to who my mum was at that age.
How wonderful. I read many growing up, I have fond memories. I would love to re-read them! I would love to be entered in the giveaway...
My heart still belongs to the first of Heyer's books I ever read: A Civil Contract. I like that it turns the conventions of a romance novel on their heads--the wedding is in the first few chapters, and the love story comes after. And it would be impossible not to love Adam and Jenny.
I would describe myself as a Regency geek and am ready to add Ms. Heyer to my collection!
I haven't read a Heyer in many years, though when I went through my Regency phase I think I read everything by her that I could get my hands on. So I would love to revisit her!
I've never read a Georgette Heyer novel, but I mean to start. If they are favorites of my favorite blogs, they must be good! It seems that Heyer knows her Regency stuff, and I always love a believable historical fiction read.
I've never read a Georgette Heyer book. I do have two of them. I just havent gotten to them.
I guess the reason why I wanna read her books, is because of how similar they seem to Jane Austen's Books. And I love Jane Austen. That and I've had two very good friends tell me I need to read them. :)
I think The Tollgate is my favorite. I've read it three or four times. The plot is complex, not just a romance but a murder mystery as well. (Heyer wrote both, after all.) The characters are interesting and believable. I love Regencies, and this is perhaps one of the best ever written.
I've only read one Heyer book, These Old Shades, and I really enjoyed it. I've been wanting to read more. Thank you!
Frederica! Cotillion is a very close second (love Freddy!), but in Frederica I enjoyed both the main characters thoroughly. The depictions of the children were charming and the balloon chase was an exciting and unexpected plot development. Other Heyer favorites include The Nonesuch, False Colors and Regency Buck.
I'm working my way through Georgette Heyer's books, but it's going rather slow because I'm confined to what my local libraries have in the catalogue! The one that I repeatedly borrow is Black Sheep. The heroine is mature and likable while the hero is disreputable, sarcastic, and not misogynist or patronizing. And the book makes me laugh! I love it.
10 NEW BOOKS!! That would be any reader's dream come true.
To be honest, I had never heard of Georgette Heyer before coming on Jane Austen Today. Since then, I've been intrigued by the reviews on Austenprose, and they look like books that would interest me greatly.
I only have one that I still haven't read yet! LOL But I'm trying to get there -- it's False Colours, and luckily, it's not on that lovely list up there! :)
I have never read a Georgette Heyer book...for too many years I busied myself reading 'important' books, 'serious' books, and missed out on so much of the joy of reading.
Having read some reviews of the books in question, I think I would like reading them very much.
I have never read Georgette Heyer but after researching her a bit I can't wait too!
Thank you for hosting this wonderful contest!
Please include me - I grew up with Georgette Heyer books and kept reading them still. When the libraries got rid of most of them, I tried to get them from used bookshops. I've forgotten some of the names, but I read them all; they were fantastic. Please include me in the drawing. :)
I've forgotten my favorite, but I remember Venetia. It's been awhile since I've read these. I loved the one with Rule and the 17 yr. old, but can't remember the name of it for the life of me!
I grew up knowing who Georgette Heyer was because my mom was a fanatic, but because I was a tomboy, I wasn't about to pick up a romance novel!! LOL Lets just say now that I'm an adult...my tastes have changed a LITTLE! :D
I have yet to embark on Georgette Heyer for the same reason it took me ten years to get around to reading the last Jane Austen novel -- I don't want to run out of them! But I think it's time to start savoring...
I've heard great things about these books, mainly from this blog. I would love to read them and add them to my collection of books.
I have never read her before but lately with the Austen challenge I have really been getting into the era - the sense and feel of this style of book.
They are written so beautifully you just want to be swept away into them.... joining them in their day to day life...
Oh yeah.... I would LOVE to win these. :)
Oh my goodness - this is quite the exciting giveaway!! I discovered Georgette Heyer a couple of years ago and love her! Most of the books here my library does not own and I have not read, so I would love to win them!
Cotillion is one of my favorite Heyer novels so far. The novel surprised me by taking the story line in a different direction than I supposed. By the end, I realized that Heyer had subtly changed my mind about the characters and had brought about the conclusion that I may not have expected, but by that point really wanted. This novel also had wonderfully developed characters and great secondary characters and romances.
Thanks for the giveaway! My email is laarlt78 at hotmail dot com.
i LOVE books (and who doesn't love romances set in the Regency time period?) therefore, i'm quite looking forward to reading some of Georgette Heyer's books... whether it's from winning *crosses fingers* or not :D
thanks for the chance!
larsenvt {AT} gmail {DOT}
It's been a few years since I've read my Georgette Heyers, but I just got a few of her historical books and am anxious to start up again.
I'm much more familiar with her mysteries, my favorite of which is "Envious Casca." I love family settings, and thought the characters in this one were particularly well done.
Thanks for offering this!
I can't decide between Black Sheep and Lady of Quality. Lady of Quality, probably, and not just because it was the first Heyer I'd read. I love how frank Annis and Carleton are with one another! And Black is just hilarious. Also, Frederica! I really love the character development in that one, it gets a little long winded, but ultimately it's a romance between the whole family. Sigh. I can't choose, sorry.
The Grand Sophy will be my first Heyer. I'm looking forward to it! I just need to finish a few book in my huge TBR pile first.
Oh this is SO exciting. My favorite Heyer book is actually The Grand Sophy! A close second is Cotillion. Sourcebooks is so generous!
Tough decision. Because it opened up the world of Heyer and the lovely juxtaposition of the hero and heroine in it, I would have to say These Old Shades. Cousin Kate is a close second.
Venetia, without a doubt....but then, there's Arabella, A Civil Contract, Frederica, The Nonesuch, etc, etc., etc. I love Venetia because of both its heroine (who can be on equal terms with Damerel, put up with Aubrey, and still keep her good snese anf humor and not feel sorry for herself in the least.
My favorite Georgette Heyer novel is Devil's Cub. It's exciting, but a little more serious because the hero and heroine aren't teenagers like so many of the girls in her books. The hero is wreckless, dashing, and flirty, where the heroine is calm, quiet, but stubborn. I'd like to be entered into this contest.
Sylvester has been my favorite since Harlequin had some Georgette Heyer book for sale in 2001 I think it was, it was the first one I read and I have been a great fan of hers every since.
The only one I've read so far is The Nonesuch (loved it!) but I'm dying to read more.
Wow, what a giveaway, I bet it would sure would help clear up many Amazon Wish lists!! From what I have read The Masqueraders sounds fab!
Wow - how have I missed this author! She is writing about my favorite time period and these stories sound delightful! I must check her out of the library ASAP!
I haven't read any of her novels yet, but I will because I like anything related to Jane Austen. The reviews have been great too.
I haven't read any of Heyer's books, but so many people whose taste I trust have recommended her that I fully intend to give her work a try. They sound like great happily-ever-after comfort reads.
Well the Grand Sophy is my fave and you should just see the sad sad state of my almost full collection of GH books from the 1980's!! I need new ones LOL :-)
Plus the print might be larger and in the past 20-30 years my eyes have obviously worsened!
Georgette Heyer was the biggest influence I know of, besides Jane Austen, on my own writing as a regency author. I love her! My favorite of hers is Arabella.
Linore Rose Burkard
Romance for the Jane Austen Soul
I've only read about 10 Heyer novels to date because I love to savour them, and am dreading the day I finally finish them all! My favourite book is The Talisman Ring for a purely sentimental reason- it was my first ever Heyer. I shall never forget my delight that sunny afternoon as I plunged into the delightful world of Regency England.
Heyer writes with intelligence and insight- two essential ingredients for a great story.
The Grand Sophy - The biggest, best, grandest, most astonishing, heroine Heyer put to paper. She covered all the bases in humor with all the characters you would expect from the Regency period, and many a Jane Austen truism too. With a touch of political or government circles included with the ton, thanks no less to Sophy, there is no dull seat at a table outside of conversation. Enjoy! Yes, it should be this one that you buy RIGHT NOW! I mean it. P.S. If anyone knows of any fanfic sequels, be sure to post a link.
Cousin Kate and Frederica are the only Georgette Heyer books I have read to date. I just discovered her this past winter, and am slowing doling them out like the treats they are. I'm not sure how I missed them in the past, but what a great thing to enjoy now.
LaraF in Kirkland
I read my first Georgette Heyer novel 'Bath Tangle' in 2003,a hardback copy printed in 1992, found in a secondhand book store, I enjoyed it very much but did not look for other novels untill lately, I picked up a copy of 'Black Sheep' and have been hooked ever since, I enjoy these as much as Jane Austen books.
Thank you for the chance to win this collection.
Ruth Edwards
venetia because it's the only one i've read so far... but i want to read more!
Never read Heyer before--probably because all the covers at the local library make her books look like terribly maudlin romances! But if she stacks up favorably with Jane, count me in!
I honestly can't pick 1 favorite Heyer novel, because I've read several and loved them all for their humor and great romances! :) Some of my favorites are Frederica, The Convenient Marriage, and Sylvester.
Black Sheep may be the most fun I've had with a Heyer book so far, but the one I keep coming back to and mulling over is The Conqueror. I think that novel is so timely in what it has to say about nationhood and founding mythologies.
There is a lovely & dreamily romantic shoppe downtown, and the owner has recently recommended Heyer. She is such a fan, even her dog is nammed Georgette! I look forward to discovering Heyer's magical world...
The only reason I have not read any Georgette Heyer books is because I fear developing an addiction. But after reading about them on this site, I sense a spending spree in my near future.
This is a wonderful giveaway...thank you for doing it !
I have "The Grand Sophy" on my to-read list on Goodreads. I am steeped in a book about the American Revolution right now, however since I have not read any of Georgette's books, I would just love to win the collection and get hooked on them. She was quite a character herself, from what I've read about her LOL
I read many Georgette Heyer books a long time ago, and my favorite was The Grand Sophy. I am thrilled that Source Books has started publishing the books again and am looking forward to reacquainting myself with her work.
I've never read any of her novels but you make them sound fabulous. Would love a chance to win!
ldneuhof at hotmail dot com
I love The Grand Sophy, and I'm so excited that it's coming out! Sophy is just such an awesome character... gotta love her. :D It's my mom's favorite too, so I'm definitely going to have to buy Mom the new print of it!
Ive never read any Heyer books but I have heard good things AND this is my favorite genre so I am sure I would love it
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I am a Canadian visual artist and within my work I am attempting to emphasize the ramifications of dominant Eurocentric thinking and viewpoints, as mediated by movies, television, music and general popular culture. Utilizing the themes and formal sensibilities found within 18th, and 19th century European painting, I create pictures which appear lighthearted and lively, however always built on the impetus of satire and caution.
Because of the subject matter and time frame I choose to focus on for my practice, I find 18th/19th century literature and movie spin offs incredibly encouraging and informative. Reading novels and watching movies by Jane Austen, or Oscar Wilde have helped me immensely,to peer into the lives of persons who might have lived during those times.
As well, these books and films have created within myself a huge obsession with such a captivating epoch in Western history.
It is for these reasons I would love to have the opportunity to read one of these novels written by Georgette Heyer.
Arabella. A funny and human story.
I think it is one of Heyer's best.
Though it is hard to chose.
- Caroline
I have only ready Venetia, but I enjoyed it very much. I look forward to reading more Heyer books!
I have never read a Georgette Heyer book and feel completely out of the loop! These stories would be right up my alley, my only excuse can be that I've simply been busy reading other titles. To win some of Heyer's books would put me on the path. Thanks.
I havn't read these books but they look fabulous. I love regency books.
It's really difficult to choose just one favourite but I love so many of them but I guess The Convenient Marriage will always have a special place in my heart because it was the first one I read and The Devil's Cub because it is just too funny!
I've been on a Regency kick the last two summers - I just recently discovered Georgette Heyer and would love to learn more!!
What a great contest!
I haven't read too many Heyer's but my favorite is The Reluctant Widow. I also enjoyed The Corinthian and especially Cotillion.
Oh this is a wonderful giveaway. I am new to Heyer. I am reading Sylvester now and loving it!
I am a follower:
I really love Heyer's mysteries, but enjoyed The Grand Sophy very much, too.
I've never read of any of Heyer's books before, but I just read your more recent blog post with Monica Fairview's thoughts and I'm quite intrigued. I'm adding them to my "to read" list!
My favorite Heyer until now is Cotillion. But I can't wait to get to These Old Shades, The Devil's Cub or even Venetia. All highly recommended by friends.;-)
I actually just finished The Grand Sophy this past weekend, and I absolutely loved it! It was my first experience with Heyer's work, and it's now become one of my favorite books of the year. Sophy was such a fun, dynamic character, and I got totally lost in Heyer's Regency England! I would love to read more.
Thanks for the chance!
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
I'm a huge regency fan and I'm just embarrassed to say I've never read Georgette Heyer. Hanging my head in shame here.
Sheepish grin here but I have never read a Heyer book either!!! For the life of me, I don't have an excuse other than I just haven't gotten around to it. I do love the regency period!! Thank you for offering this contest!!
Oh, my gosh! I haven't read a Georgette Hyer book in almost forever. I used to love those books. I'm adicted to reading and love those books where the women are so daring, defy convention and even, sometimes, dress up like a man. What a great give away!
I have never read a Georgette Heyer novel, but if she is anything like Jane Austen, I am sure I'd love her books! I have read every Jane Austen novel and devoted my thesis in college to her works. Thanks for providing such an awesome giveaway!
I've never read Georgette Heyer. How embarrassed I am! I think this looks fabulous -- I love historical British fiction.
Thanks for sharing!
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I am in love with the Regency Era, and Georgette Heyer's books take me right there. I would LOVE to have the Heyer library.
So far I have only read two of Ms. Heyer's books. I have plans to try and read all of her Regency novels. So far I've read Cotillion and Frederica. (I have False Colours on my TBR stack)I really loved them both its hard to chose. But I guess I'd say Frederica. I enjoyed the spontaneity of the romance.
I have yet to read a Heyer novel but have bought a few recently because I have seen so many good reviews around the blogging world.
Also, I am intrigued by an author who is so beloved that a friend of mine living in New Zealand asked me, several years ago, to find her a copy of her very favorite Heyer ever (Sprig Muslin) since she'd lost hers when she moved to the other side of the world. At the time, I had to scour used bookstores as her books were mostly out of print but it was important to MM. That kind of desperation for a book is a great recommendation, I think.
whitreidsmama at yahoo dot com
I've never read Georgette Heyer, but I have a friend who mentioned the Convenient Marriage to me last week (and this is what brought me to your site). I've been trying to find out more info about it and it sounds perfectly scandalous. If I don't win the set, I'd love to have a chance to read the Grand Sophy - just to get a taste of the era and talent.
Georgette Heyer is an author that I need to begin reading soon - I'm all out of Jane Austen novels!
I have read every one and own at least one copy of each; however, if I won this collection I would enjoy sharing with all my friends who have not Seen the Light. The Grand Sophy and Devil's Cub are my two favorites: bold and resolute heroines anyone can admire! Thanks for the beautiful new covers.
I've never read one of Georgette Heyer's books but I love Jane Austen and the time period. From what I've heard Heyer's novels sound like a lot of fun and I'm sure I'd enjoy them.
I loved Georgette Heyer's books as a teenager and now that I have a teenage daughter of my own, I would love to share them with her. My favorite heroine was Hero Wantage from Friday's Child. I think I identified with her as a teen.
Never read her but love the thought of getting to know her! The books look wonderful and this Minnesota girl needs a little culture! :)
I just finished The Grand Sophy, my first Heyer book, just 30 minutes ago. It wasn't perfect, but it was about the closest I've yet come to Austen's genius. Also, I'm a guy, and probably there aren't so many guy Georgette Heyer fans, so I'd be a grateful, and unusual, recipient.
Arabella! The first Georgette Heyer that I read when I was 16 - I was hooked!
I think I've read most of the Heyer books, and have deifinitely borrowed each of the ones from the paltry selection at my local library several times over. Never tire of them. The perfect pick-me-up, transporting me to a completely different time and place...
A stack of Georgette Heyer books. A fully stock tea drawer. What could be better?
Cotillion because Freddy is not a traditional hero. He isn't the strongest, smartest, or the most dashing, however he turns into one of the truest.
I found out about Heyer from the Jan Austen Today website and the wonderful reviews of her books at Austenprose. (Thanks to all the reviewers!)
I am currently reading Pride and Prejudice and after reading excerpts from Georgette Heyer's books I feel certain I will enjoy hers also!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter this great contest!
I must admit to not ever having read Heyer's books, but it is my goal this summer to READ, READ, READ! I love to read, but lately it seems that life, work, etc. has kept me from it.
These books would be a wonderful way to jump into my summer reading!
Thank you for the lovely blog and great contests! Keep up the good work!
I just started my first G.Heyer- Frederica! I'd love to be entered in the contest. Thanks, Nancy Dwinell Hedghogmom@aol.com
I really loved Cotillion. I thought that the plot of the book was superb, and I also loved the romance element that blossomed and made it itself evident at the very end of the novel. I also loved the main character's Catherine Morland-esque innocence.
How exciting! I've always wanted to read a Georgette Heyer book, but haven't had the chance. I have a friend on a reading forum who raves about them constantly, but you know how it gets when the book wishlist is huge! lol
Thanks to this site I've just discovered Georgette Heyer's wonderful books. I am so excited that she has written 50! So far my favorite is Venetia. I loved the open, honest spunk of this heroine and as usual the hero is the epitomy of masculinity, in a very human way (of course).
Please enter me.
I'm a big fan of period pieces on BBC and AMC, though I don't read them much. I had not heard of Heyer till reading your blog. I would be very interested in reading some of her work, especially the detective/thriller books as that is the type of story I tend to lean toward when choosing a book. My wife is a huge fan of Jane Austen and would probably love these too.
I haven't read Heyer before, but I love period books, so I would love the chance to read them!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I've never read Heyer before. I've been very curious about her books since I found this site. I've always felt that I should have lived in Heyer's time. I enjoy Austen, so I'm sure I'll love Heyer.
Thanks for this chance to possibly get started!
I've heard about Georgette Heyer here and know it's the same style and era of Jane Austenl so that is why I'm interested in reading her.
Thank you,
Oh my stars! What a contest, what a gift! I've never read any of the works by Heyer but am such a fan of Austen, the Regency and Georgian period that I am making my way through the era. I would be so appreciative and thrilled to win a mini library of these novels!! And... if I do I will make it my next book club! You have the best give-aways!
I haven't read any of these books as of yet I just came across the comments on the books and can't wait to start reading them. I am an avid regency era reader and love anything Jane Austen but even beyond Austen anything connected to the Regency Era. I love the language, the societal rules, the language, and those heroines who try to change them and the men who love them for it. As a literature teacher these are definitly going on my suggestion book for those students I would like to see branch out from reading the latest fad books over and over again.
I've never read Hayer before, but her name keeps comming up when several of my favorite authors mention their favorite authors, so I will get to her one of these days.
I've never read one of Heyer's books, but I've always wanted to. Her stories take place in one of my most favorite time periods, and I've always heard such great things about each and every one of them. I figure it's about time for me to start reading one of them myself!
The Reluctant Widow was a lot of fun.
While I've read them all, my favorite is These Old Shades. A Georgian instead of a regency, it features characters with depth. The aloof Duke of Avon takes young Leon as his page. But Leon is actually Leonie.
I've never read a Georgette Heyer novel and, on the one hand I'm dismayed, but on the other I'm thrilled because I have some wonderful books to look forward too! I love novels set during the early 19th century when women wore beautiful costumes and manners and etiquette were important but there was a focus on intelligent, fast-paced dialogue and witty banter. And underneath it all there might be a farce or masquerade or some fun and deception occurring. I read that Georgette Heyer wrote extensively detailed novels which is something I love because it allows me to be able to picture the setting in my mind and transport myself back to the early 19th century.
There are so many reasons to read a Georgette Heyer novel that I can't do an explanation justice here!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
I read Powder and Patch recently. Great book!
I've wanted to try Heyer for ages, but wasn't sure where to start. The Grand Sophy sounds like an excellent jumping off point.
I loved Why Shoot A Butler? You can't beat a good mystery set in the English countryside. I just started reading The Grand Sophy and love it too!
I can't wait to read more Heyer novels!
I have never read a Georgette Heyer novel. However, I've heard the language and plots are quite true to the time period and that's what I'm looking for!
Hello I am new to the blog and am really enjoying the posts!
However I must admit that I haven't actually read the books from this series but they look very interesting!
I have never read a book by Georgette Heyer but 'The Grand Sophy' sounds fascinating. I do hope I win!!
My favorite GH novel so far has been False Colours. I love the theme of mistaken identity. I would love to win her set of books!
I loved both The Nonesuch and The Unfinished Clue. The Nonesuch was great for its wit, the conversations were a delight to raed. The characters in the WhodunIt of The Unfinished Clue were what made that mystery worthwhile. I enjoy Heyer's comical way of telling a story. I've only read two more of her books and would love the chance to read more!
Please enter me!
marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com
I've never read anything by Georgette Heyer, unfortunately! I've been recommended them by a close friend who knows her stuff, and has similar taste, so I'd love to check them out.
Thank you!
I had never heard of Georgette Heyer until I read your blog. I've only read one book - Friday's Child. I've enjoyed her writing so far.
I had never heard of Georgette Heyer and her novels, until I found your blog and was introduced to her! Through reading your posts and people's comments I would love to get to know her writings better! I'm truly intrigued, and can't wait to begin a book! I'm looking forward to reading more about her and the characters she has endeared.
It is currently a tie between The Toll Gate and The Spanish Bride. I get a new favorite as I finish each book! The Toll Gate is detailed, exciting, gripping and inviting. The Spanish Bride is the perfect reflection of Heyer's scholarly abilities blended with her singular talent of drawing in the reader. Ah, but I am only halfway through my reading list of all of her books and can't wait to move on to more!
It's a tie between The Grand Sophy and Devil's Cub. The Grand Sophy has one of the funniest scenes in romantic fiction. The Devil's Cub is every nerd-girl's wish fulfillment.
I read The Convenient Marriage a long time ago and loved it. Horry is a great heroine! For soiem reason I never got around to the others, though I have been dying to read Cousin Kate-love Gothic!!
This would be an excellent set of books to win
I haven't read any Georgette Heyer books yet. I'm always looking for more authors and books to read.
I recommend Sylvester as well, it is hilarious!
I read the Convenient Marriage and loved it.
I've never read Georgette Heyer; however, I would like to start reading her books because I love to read "regeancy romance stories".
I have not read any of Georgette Heyer's books but they are very popular in my local library and they do not own six of the titles you are offering. Would love to win these so I could donate them.
Thanks, LooseEnds AT Snet Dot Net
I've never read a novel by this author before. After reading the comments, my interest is piqued. Please enter me into the giveaway. Thanks!
My favorite was The Convenient Marriage. It was HILARIOUS. So fun.
As a new fan to Regency romance, I have never read a book by Ms. Heyer but would be pleased and honored to win just one, much less an entire set!
Many thanks for an incredible giveaway.
Lori Hedgpeth
I loved The Grand Sophy! It was such a page turner that I could hardly put it down! I have also began The Corinthian.
Thank you for introducing me to this author.
I haven't read any Georgette Heyer books yet. I'd like to read them because I love to read regency romance novels - they're a great escape from every day cares!
Thanks for the opportunity,
"The Grand Sophy"
I had been hearing so much about Sophy and Georgette Heyer on Twitter, that I picked it up last week and couldn't put it down.
I can't wait to read more of her books. Thanks for the opportunity!
Well I haven't had the pleasure of reading Heyer as of yet but I am an extreme Austen fan. As I have read on this website and other sites all about her books they interest me immensely. As I'm sure most Austen fans feel I believe that I should have lived in her time. If Heyer could open up the world that I love so dearly I would be truly thankful to her also. I would really love to read these books!
Thank you for my chance to win these surly amazing books, and for your time.
Today my fave is Devil's Cub, for the way Mary manages Vidal --and the way Vidal manages Mary by handing her a dish of sweetmeats which may have escaped her attention :)
My favorite Heyer is Venetia, with its tone of sadness as well as her characteristic humor. I fell in love with those characters!
I have read Faro's Daughter and wish I could say I have read more. Regency Romances are my favorite and I would love to win a set of these books. It would be a wonderful addition to my library!
What a terrific giveaway!! I started learning more about Gergette Heyer on one of the blogs I follow: The Burton Reviews. She made the books sound so wonderful (and I love this period in history..) so, ever since then, I've been hunting down used bookstores trying to find anything on this author...I haven't had the greatest success out here, in Montreal. So, I'm hoping this will be my lucky day:) Please enter me. Thanks!
I've read ~ The Nonesuch
~ Arabella
and just recently
~ Frederica
Arabella was probably the most amusing, funny, and just plain likable. Therefore, making it my favorite.
But I'm waiting to get back from family vacation to read the Grand Sophy. So excited!
I'd really enjoy ten of her books!
I've never read a Georgette Hayer novel before but I've been reading so many great descriptions and reviews that I'd love to start reading some of her books.
melacan at hotmail dot com
Shawna Lewis
I must admit I am a bookaholic but I've never read a Georgette Heyer book. But the good thing is I am willing to try one out!!
ThanKs for the contest ;o)
I'd like a chance to read a Heyer novel because I generally enjoy older books especially when they're historicals for some reason. I've heard a lot of good things about this author in particular but I haven't gotten around to reading her.
Georgette Heyer is a new author to me and I would love to see what her books are like!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I have not read any Georgette Heyer novels, and I would love to read them because of all the glowing reviews and my abiding love of the Regency period and literature. When I heard her novels were going to be re-released, my interest was piqued and I took it as a sign that I should read as many as possible.
Please pick me!
Oh no, only USA and Canda :-( I'd love to read a book by Georgette Heyer
What a lovely offer; thank you! I have not read Georgette Heyer yet, but it has been on my to-do list for some time as she is the grande dame of modern historical romance. Ever since my fellow Jane Austen-addict best friend introduced me to historical (particularly georgian/regency)romance fiction I have loved the genre! And I know my "education" won't be complete until I have read Heyer:)
Thanks again for generous offer!
shelley (koeleria@gmail.com)
You are correct that The Grand Sophy is one of Georgette Heyer's most beloved books. I can say without a doubt that The Grand Sophy is my absolute favorite! I love that Sophy is so clever and such a problem-solver. The last few chapters of the book nearly always have me laughing aloud. So many characters showing up at the house, creating priceless interaction! I can still remember the sheer delight I felt the first time I read the book. The Grand Sophy was one of the earliest Heyer books I read, but I have gone through most of the others since then, and I have yet to find it's equal.
I have been a Heyer fan since I discovered her at my local library and picked up Sprig Muslin quite at random. I have read most of the books available at the library and am trying to build my collection at home now! I don't think I have come across a book by Ms. Heyer that I haven't enjoyed thoroughly! I think Venetia is one of my favorites; Venetia makes a wonderful heroine and Damerel - a rake of the most shocking kind!! - is such an unlikely hero. The intriguing thing is that Venetia doesn't necessarily tame or change Damerel - she accepts him for who he is, including his faults.
I love most of Georgette Heyer's books but I think my favorite would probably be Faro's Daughter. So very funny and Deb is such a great heroine!
Wow, this is a stunning giveaway... especially for someone who is new to Heyer's body of work! I'm a newcomer to the genre of regency romance, but I'm obsessed with historical fiction and would really love to win even one of these books. Thank you for the amazing opportunity!
What a great contest!
I haven't read any of these books before, but I would love a chance to get started. I love historical novels and romances, old-fashioned adventures and the language in this series is supposed to be unmatched. I do look forward to getting involved in a new story!
email: spectrum.realm(AT)hotmail(DOT)come
The Unknown Ajax is my favorite. I like the great one-liners that Anthea sprouts off and the way the family may not get along most of the time, but at the end, family will always stick together.
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