A miracle has happened, and you have been given an opportunity to attend Mr. Darcy's 40th birthday party. You have also just won the lottery. What present would you give him from the 21st century, one that would please both you AND him?
Matthew Macfadyen |
A lifetime gym membership. Imagine our Mr. Darcy in fitness shorts while body building. Be still my beating heart. You could hold his towel and water bottle whilst he goes about the business of keeping his fine musculature in shape. Better yet, you could keep in shape by his side. You'll also have plenty of lottery winnings left over to treat him to a massage or two.
Colin Firth |
An electronic Apple package consisting of a Macbook Pro, iPhone, iPad, and iPod. Imagine if Mr. Darcy was wired. You could text, tweet, blog, email, see or talk to him any time, any place, anywhere, plus share music, movies, podcasts and videos. Then imagine Mr. Darcy just a touch and nano seconds away. *Sigh.*
The 2011 Bugatti Veyron supercar: At
£1.6 million per car, this rare gift would be most fitting for our discerning Mr. Darcy. Imagine how grateful he would be to receive a vehicle that has a 1,200bhp engine capable of accelerating from 0 to 62mph in just 2.5 seconds and can sprint all the way to 268mph. Why he could arrive at your doorstep zippity zip and carry you off on a date filled with smoldering looks. Unfortunately, this unique gift will take up all your lottery winnings and up to a year to deliver.
Rare 2011 Bugatti Veyron supercar |
The Bugatti, of course! What would he need a gym membership for? :)
The Bugatti! Darcy must love fast, well-bred horses and therefore fast, sleek cars. It would give me pleasure to give him a means to travel 50 miles of road quick as a wink (depending of traffic of course!).
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