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Monday, May 17

The First Pride and Prejudice Translation in Portuguese

I bought the first edition of Pride and Prejudice in Portuguese this week for a very good price, and I am as happy as a child with sweets! My first announcement of my purchase is on this blog.

Pride and Prejudice was the first Jane Austen's book translated in Brazil by the writer and poet, Lucio Cardoso (1912-1968), published by José Olympio Press in 1940.

Posted by Raquel Sallaberry, Jane Austen em Portugues


Enid Wilson said...

Congratulations! Is it purely for collection or do you read Portugese?

Anonymous said...

Being portuguese, I'm curious about this - how is the famous first sentence translated here?

Raquel said...


thank you

I read Portuguese. I am a Brazilian and have a blog about Jane Austen in Portuguese.

Raquel said...

Hello Anonymous,

the first sentence:

"É uma verdade universalmente conhecida que um homem solteiro, possuidor de uma boa fortuna deve estar necessitado de esposa."

ChaChaneen said...

OH my stars! Look at you girlfriend! Congratulations and how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel said...

that is awsome- maybe if I had one of those I would be more inspired to learn Portuguese ( my husband is Brazilian and speaks it fluently )

Raquel said...


thank you!

Raquel said...


now we have a new translation of Pride and Prejudice, in pocketbook, by a very good translator, Celina Portocarrero.

The press use the same bookcover as Vintage as you could see:

Orgulho e preconceito da L&PM!

and the first 3 chapters:
Capítulos de Orgulho e preconceito da L&PM

I say that because we have a few plagiarism and some very bad translation too, here in Brazil, unfortunately!