I hate to, well, brag, but during last night's live Twitter chat during the Oscar Award Show, yours truly picked the 6 top winners. Which meant, of course, that I though Colin Firth and Carey Mulligan would not win. This week, I extend the JA Movie Throwdown by asking you to vote on their Red Carpet Appearance. Carey has the advantage in that she was photographed many times, and I could find only one BBC video of poor Colin, whose deliciousness seems not to be appreciated by the American press. It is nice to see him smile and a dimple appear in his cheek. (Update - I found a dashing image) I could not find Emily Blunt, nor do I recall her making an appearance, but Ive included Kate Winslet, who has become a fixture at these events.

Colin and wife Livia on the Red Carpet

Just found this lovely shot of Colin on the red carpet

Carey Mulligan (Kitty Bennet)

Kate Winslet played Marianne Dashwood
To vote for your favorite Oscar gown, go to
Enchanted Serenity of Period Films and vote!
I don't watch the Oscars but thanks for posting this...Kate W. looks fab !
And Mrs. Firth, perfcet! As always!
I was so cheesed off (as was a friend who was over & isn't as Firth-fixated) that they showed in once during the broadcast before his category. Once. I don't have cable so I don't know what went on there & just as well. But the director of that ridiculous broadcast last night (much more than I would have thought) was awful for depriving us of a few more shots of him. Grrr.
Sorry for the venting. Back to proper behavior now.:)
It wasn't that I don't like Carey's shoes. It's more that I don't like the whole young-chippie-always-standing-with-feet-crossed. What's with that? Looks awkward and tres non glamorous. Ah, for the studio system when one was taught how to walk in heels and look fabulous.
I do like his look here. He definitely looks like he has slimmed down this past year. ;)
I'm really disappointed at last night's Red Carpet coverage that they only had one shot of CF, right when he and Mrs. got out of the car and waved. That's all. But they had interviewed Tom Ford... he wasn't even nominated for anything.
Thanks for all these wonderful pics!
Thanks for the mention Vic! A friend at work mentioned Carey's dress and told me about all the decorations on her dress that I didn't see previously. I think it would have made a perfect dress to wear to an 'Alice in Wonderland' event since it's so quirky! I loved seeing Carey interviewed, she's always so charming and self-effacing!
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